Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Saddest Letter I Have Ever Written

Below is a letter sent out by my friend David Semeyn who is on staff at African Childrens Mission, a sister organization to AHI that is also located on the ranch. I think it gives some perspective on some of the financial struggles here in Uganda and got his permission to post it.


June 4, 2011
I wanted to send an update to each of you to let you know how my trip has been going. You will find specific prayer requests listed throughout the email.

Thank you for your much needed prayers.
Before I describe one of the saddest experiences I have ever had. I want to let you know that the work I have been doing with African Children's Mission (ACM) has been going very well. Each week I spend three days in remote villages teaching theology classes to 49 pastors and church leaders who have never had any training in Biblical studies. Not only have they not received training in Biblical studies, but like most Ugandans, many of them never completed high school. Despite their lower level of education, some of these students have served in church leadership positions for longer than I have been alive. I find it remarkable that the students faithfully attend Bible classes, in spite of the fact that many of them have not been in a formal classroom setting in years. Their love for God's Word and His glory supersedes their tribal differences and learning difficulties.

God has been clearly faithful to the work He started last summer with the Bible training programs. Though it is hard at times, there is nothing I would rather be doing than returning to the Bible training schools to help equip my brothers and sisters with the tools necessary to exegete Scripture and better serve their church congregations.

Please pray:
  • That God will allow the students to truly grasp the information being taught.
  • That the Holy Spirit would give the students understanding of the information, and help them to properly apply it to their particular contexts.
  • Praise God that a shipment of reading glasses came in and now all of the Bible students can read their Bibles!

The saddest letter I have ever written:
If you do not know, one of African Children's Mission's (ACM's) main ministries is a feeding program which operates in the poorest of schools in one of the poorest districts in Uganda, East Africa. Last week, I helped compose and deliver a letter from African Children's Mission to seven schools. Though the letter was addressed to seven schools, ultimately it affects more than 3,300 students who attend the schools and their families.

The purpose of the letter was to notify the schools that because of the nation's extreme inflation on food products, ACM would have to change the feeding program. The product that has affected the most people in the country is "posho." Posho is eaten by most Ugandans everyday; it is the main food that keeps these people alive. In the last year, the wholesale price of posho has risen by 66%. By God's grace, African Children's Mission has been able to continue feeding all 3,300 children in spite of the rising economic problem. In order to sustain the feeding program indefinitely, ACM has had to reduce the amount of food being served by 50%. Those affected by the change seem to understand its importance and have said, "A little is better than nothing. Thank you for what you can give."

It is hard to fully describe the positive impact the feeding program has on the children and their families, but I will try. Many children attend school simply so they can eat a free meal at lunch. Studies show that education is a key factor for one to successfully escape a life of poverty; if a 12 cent meal is an incentive to get one to attend school, it is a small price to pay. The one meal per day, provided by ACM, is often the only meal these children have. ACM teaches a weekly character development class at all seven of the schools. If the attendance drops, then that means that there are more kids who will miss the Bible-based character development classes; this may have the largest impact of all. Even if you have not spent time in a "fourth world" country, it is not hard to imagine the gravitational effects associated with cutting one's daily meal in half.

Please pray:
  • That God will provide for the children through other means until ACM's feeding program is running at its normal capacity again.
  • That the students will continue to attend school, even though the food incentive has been reduced.
  • That people in Uganda would not think that the God of Christians is weak because a Christian organization has had to make cutbacks. My prayer is that during this hardship, the faith of the children and their parents will be strengthened and that God will be seen as the God who he truly is: Jehovah Jirah--the God who provides.
  • Please pray that the people will find their delight and satisfaction in the true Bread (John 6:35), more than in the bread that spoils (John 6:27).

Please be praying for the listed items above. Please also be praising and thanking God for his goodness, faithfulness, and steadfast love He continues to show His people.

Please know that the purpose of this email is primarily to update you on what I am doing and to ask you for your continued prayer support. However, if you would like to make a tax deductable contribution to ACM to help with the feeding program, please see the address listed below. You may also donate online at Note: At the current cost of food, $30 will pay for 250 meals & $120 will pay for 1,000 meals.

In Christ,
David Semeyn

African Children's Mission
P.O. Box 26470
Birmingham, AL 35260

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